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Unfortunately it is a true fact that most of our four legged friends age at a faster rate than us.

I was very fotunate to have my dog Ash by my side until she was 17 years old. According to the Pedigree Age Calculator a Labrador of the age of 13 is equivalant to the age of 96. Meaning she was well beyond a century old.

We normaly compare the age of our dog by converting their years into dog years, however I've heard it suggested we should convert our own age into that of a dogs. With my birthday fast approaching I am starting to feel old with my teenage years behind me, yet I am barely 3 years old in dog terms.

It is often thought that the youngest stages of a dogs life are the cutest, but the oldest are sure the sweetest. Ash even won the title of 'Woolworths and Pedigrees Dog of the Year 2013' at 17 years old. Therefore I would like to promote how fantastic it is to have an old dog and not to abandon them after the 'cute puppy stage'. There is so much still to look forward to after they are fully grown. Therefore I suppose I have much more to look forward to considering in dog years I am only 3.

Image: Ash. I am very greatful that I was able to have Ash by my side for so long. I love this photo of Ash as it captures her graceful grey hairs and her wisdom. In her later years she was fondly known to visitors as the 'old girl'.

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