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Project 52: Symmetry

Beautiful Beasties is an international assocation for proffesional pet photographers. Within this network there is a creative project called 'Project 52' and for 52 weeks a theme is selected and each photographer photographs their interpretation for the theme. This weeks theme is 'Symmetry'.

I was a bit stuck for ideas this week. So I tried to get a photo of this beautiful puppy looking directlly at me.


It seems as those she is looking almost directly at me, but you will see that if I mirror the right side of the image, the photo no longer seems to represent the same dog


If i mirror the left side, the following image is the result.


These image distortions demonstrate that she was clearly not looking directly at me, and that there was not even proportions of the image on each half, but for a puppy that normally sits to one side with her weight unevenly distrubete, this image is close to symmetrical, with her tail being directly in the middle of the image, and her paws evenly placed.

It's important to acknowledge that sometimes it is our assymetries that make us unique.

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