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Project 52: Black and White

Beautiful Beasties is an international assocation for proffesional pet photographers. Within this network there is a creative project called 'Project 52' and for 52 weeks a theme is selected and each photographer photographs their interpretation for the theme. This weeks theme is 'Black and White'.

I wasn't sure how to approach the theme of black and white in a unique way this week. My image last week was presented in black and white, so I decided to think about black and white, and what is black and white. Of course a Dalmation came to mind, but our dog Pheobe is a Chocolate Labrador and I wanted to photograph her this week. I considered if there was anything that was black and white on her, I was staring at her in the kitchen, and she looked up at me with those big golden eyes, and I was inspired. This week I have decided to focus on the eyes.

The eye normally always has a pupil of a dark blackish sort of colour (dependng on the reflections) and the sclera is of a whitish colour.

Have you ever realised that dogs re the only other animal to have visible sclera other than humans?

Having sclera makes it easier to distinguish where someone is looking enabling enhanced visual communication. You can read about a study regarding communicating between humans and dogs using eye movement and can even implement the study youself. Check it out here:

Here is a photo of Pheobe looking at my hand whilst I take a photo of her to show her sclera. You know she is looking to her right, not only by her head movement but my the whites of her eyes.


Lets see how this weeks theme varies across the world by travelling on the web to Hamilton, New Zealand Pet Photographer, Kelly Wolfe Photography.

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