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Middle Island Maremma Penguin Project

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting the team behind the Middle Island Maremma Penguin Project and two of the Maremmas involved. The Middle Island Mareema Penguin Project is the first project in the world to use Maremmas to protect native wildlife. The program was developed to protect the fairy penguins on Middle Island, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.

Fox attacks had been a problem on the island, as they crossed from the main land to Middle Island during low tide, and the foxes were rapidly decreasing the population numbers of the penguins on the island. Fox managment such as baiting could not affect quick enough to prevent the foxes from attacking the penguins. So in an effort to prevent the Penguin colony from further declinicing, the natural insticts of the Maremma were bought to the island to gaurd the penguins and warn off the foxes. Since the arrival of the Maremmas the penguin colony has been increasing and no fox attackes have been recorded on Middle Island.

Due to the success of the program, research is being undertaken to introduce Maremmas to other conservation projects such as the protection of the Bandicoot.

This conservation project has a beautiful community spirit behind it. Which is told in the movie Oddball which will be released later this year. Oddball was the name of the first Maremma to protect the penguins and is based on the true story of the community and the project.

To learn more about the project visit the official page at:

The dogs featured below are the first two Maremmas that were introduced to the program as pups. The two sisters love being on the island and do a great job of protecting the fairy penguins in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.

Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia

Middle Island Maremma Penguin Project

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